An old-fashioned puzzle

Will Eisenberg came out with a fun and timely puzzle, and my response was: Well, good, now I don’t have to make that puzzle!

But then I decided to do it anyway. Except, you know, I’m famously very old-school, very traditional in my puzzle-making. So it came out a little different.

Once again, no playtesters were bothered in the making of this puzzle. Solve at your own risk.

Constructed by Chris Piuma using the free crossword builder from Amuse Labs

A rich beverage

Hi there! I made this puzzle real quick to amuse/torture my husband Mikey on a Twitch stream tonight. He streams 7:30pm Eastern on Wednesdays, and lately I’ve been joining him about once a month to do crosswords.

No one has tested this puzzle, and it might not be well tuned for anyone but Mikey, but if you decide to do it, have fun! And if you happen to stream it, let me know.

Made by Chris Piuma with the crossword generator from Amuse Labs


I can’t let 2024 end without publishing a single crossword here, can I? I did put out a Lil AVC X puzzle a few months ago. Hopefully you all played that one. That one got lovingly edited by Will Eisenberg. This one? Absolutely not. Editing ideally helps a puzzle out, or helps its solvers out. But this puzzle is committed to being unhelpful.

(If you stream it, thank you, and of course let me know!)

Made by Chris Piuma using the free crossword puzzle creator from Amuse Labs

Please hold...

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted a puzzle to the blog! Well, it’s been a heck of a year. I’ve been editing little puzzles for Lil AVC X and doing my other usual stuff and also be getting sick from and recovering from COVID a few times since last I posted. So. Fun!

Anyhoo. I constructed the latest Lil AVC X puzzle, so I thought I’d put out a companion here. They don’t really have much in common other than both being the same size and both being by me. Most notably, no one else has looked over this puzzle — so if you see a typo or other whoopsie, please let me know! Or if you stream it. Or if you just want to say hi.

Heart Specialists

The AVCX Expansion was successfully kickstarted! Lil AVC X — a.k.a. the midi puzzle division, edited by Brooke, Enrique, and me — announced our line-up of constructors! And now, our very first puzzle has dropped: A little heart-shaped puzzle that I wrote! You can try this one for free even if you haven’t subscribed yet, but I encourage you to get a subscription. First month’s free, so you can see if you’re into it. Which I hope you are, but either way, have a heart-shaped day! 💜