It’s a four-by-four grid, how hard could it be? Oh no, what’s going on this time…
Once again, no one has playtested this thing. Get in touch if you find any whoopsies. Enjoy!
It’s a four-by-four grid, how hard could it be? Oh no, what’s going on this time…
Once again, no one has playtested this thing. Get in touch if you find any whoopsies. Enjoy!
I can’t let 2024 end without publishing a single crossword here, can I? I did put out a Lil AVC X puzzle a few months ago. Hopefully you all played that one. That one got lovingly edited by Will Eisenberg. This one? Absolutely not. Editing ideally helps a puzzle out, or helps its solvers out. But this puzzle is committed to being unhelpful.
(If you stream it, thank you, and of course let me know!)
On Friday nights, some of my podcasting friends and I gather together to play games on our Twitch channel. Sometimes we play a home version of a popular game show where people are surveyed and then contestants — perhaps from competing families — have to guess the results of the surveys. Anyway, if that sounds like fun, you should join us sometimes (Fridays at 8pm Eastern). And you might enjoy this puzzle.
Thanks to Norah for looking this one over, and if you like it / stream it / see an error / etc., let me know.
It’s April Fools, which is not my favourite holiday. But here, I made you a Something Different! If you’re new to the genre, it’s a crossword puzzle where the fill can be any old nonsense, like RED BAGS OF SKITTLES, or MARIO HAS NO SOUL, or MOMMY’S MAGMA, or whatever. This doesn’t necessarily make it harder than a normal crossword, just… something different. Anyway, enjoy. And thanks to Quiara for looking this over and encouraging me to punch up a few clues; her recent Something Different was a delight.
Please keep a lookout for a stolen grid. Described as “15x15, wearing a bold pattern.” Last seen a few months ago here and here. If found, please inform its anxious creator, Sid Sivakumar. (After a careful inspection, of course!)
[Test-solved by Will Nediger and kormad. Thank you, thank you!]