Oh look, a smaller puzzle! This will be child’s play!
Thanks to Norah for giving this the ol’ look-see. Let me know if you find a whoopsie or plan to stream it!
Oh look, a smaller puzzle! This will be child’s play!
Thanks to Norah for giving this the ol’ look-see. Let me know if you find a whoopsie or plan to stream it!
Rachel Fabi over at Just Gridding has been doing an amazing job raising funds for abortion access in the US. You might remember that I contributed a puzzle a while back as part of a puzzle pack for a fundraiser for the Baltimore Abortion Fund. Well, with everything that’s been going on in Texas (just the first of many attempts to claw back abortion rights in the US with the Supreme Court as it is…), a bunch of constructors have offered “stretch goal” puzzles to help encourage more contributions — and now, with 300 people giving, my stretch goal puzzle has finally been released. It’s the largest grid I’ve done to date, and I hope you all enjoy it.
There are still more exciting “stretch goal” puzzles left to unlock, and still a terrible need for fundraising, so if you haven’t yet (or maybe even if you have), please give today. (And let Rachel know!)
Norah and I were chatting (during one of Brian Thomas’s construction streams) about a recent controversy at the New York Times Spelling Bee that has rocked the crossworld to its core. I decided to raise a little awareness through the only means we have at our disposal: letters (to the editor) in polygons.
Enjoy my silly puzzle. (And look forward to a puzzle for a much serious cause in the near future!)
On Friday nights, some of my podcasting friends and I gather together to play games on our Twitch channel. Sometimes we play a home version of a popular game show where people are surveyed and then contestants — perhaps from competing families — have to guess the results of the surveys. Anyway, if that sounds like fun, you should join us sometimes (Fridays at 8pm Eastern). And you might enjoy this puzzle.
Thanks to Norah for looking this one over, and if you like it / stream it / see an error / etc., let me know.
That last acrostic was very difficult indeed. This one is a bit more reasonable. Thanks to Alex Boisvert for testing it (and for making it possible to make these at all); he’s got his own acrostics which you should check out.