I hope these acrostics are fun. I’m having fun, at least. But I hope you are too.
Thanks as always to Crossword Nexus et al., and here’s a link to a fullpage version of the puzzle. And let me know if you see an error!
I hope these acrostics are fun. I’m having fun, at least. But I hope you are too.
Thanks as always to Crossword Nexus et al., and here’s a link to a fullpage version of the puzzle. And let me know if you see an error!
Heck, let’s do another acrostic! If you’re unfamiliar with the source of the quote, you can find more [spoiler spoiler spoiler] here.
And, again, here’s a full-page version if the embed is too small.
Acrostics are great, and the ability for indie constructors to make acrostics seems to have taken a giant leap forward today. Thanks Alex Boisvert and everyone behind these tools! I had to try it out as quickly as possible. Enjoy, and perhaps there will be more in the future. And please, make your own, so I can solve them on my crossword stream!
(Direct link, if the embed is too small.)
Oh, I see I forgot to add a link to a little themeless puzzle I made with Brooke! It’s hosted over on Norah’s site (and you should check out all the other puzzles there). Note that, although it’s an 11x11, it’s incredibly hard. It’s solvable, but very hard, and hopefully worth it. Enjoy!
Happy Pride! I had a long rambly paragraph of stuff to put here, but maybe I’ll let the puzzle speak for itself.
Thanks to Nate Cardin (of Queer Qrosswords fame) and Christopher Adams (of arctan(x)words) for test solving!