It's been a hard year. Mikeystrong isn't giving up.
Bodybuilding what is it
Mikeystrong realized that not everyone is entirely clear on the differences between fitness, bodybuilding, and powerlifting. So we made a video to explain.
And yes, I finally got to do some voice acting!
Photography in the Middle
Escape from skinny-fat jail
This week, Mikeystrong looks at the habits that prevent people from achieving the body type they're after—especially if they're after a bodybuilder's physique.
A short story
Story time with Mikeystrong.
I'm pretty happy with how this one came out. There's a cute surprise at the very end!
Vegas diaries
The Mikeystrong crew went to Las Vegas so Mikey could see his first Mr Olympia!
We made a few video diaries along the way:
These videos will mostly be of interest to people who are already fans of bodybuilding, but Mikey also has some interesting things to say about Las Vegas. Vegas is perhaps even more interesting a city—and especially a tourist destination—than I remembered!
CMOK to YOu To
CMOK to YOu To, a collection of correspondence between Marc James Léger and Nina Živančević, was released today by Dead Letter Office (an imprint of punctum). I designed the interior.
Speculations VI
I designed the cover to issue 6 of Speculations from punctum books.
Walk on the Beach
The first book by punctum's newest imprint, tiny collections, came out today. Walk on the Beach is a collection of photos, drawings, and essays that were gathered at and around an event held by the Material Collective at the 2014 BABEL Conference. I designed the interior and the cover (and the logo for the press!).
Ardea, a philosophical novella by Freya Mathews, was published today by punctum books. I designed the cover.
Murder Ballads
Murder Ballads by David John Brennan came out today from punctum. I designed the interior and the cover, based on a section of the first edition of Lyrical Ballads. The book is a very creative work of criticism, mixing scholarly writing with short poetic plays, novelistic scenes, and other modes in order to get at the question of authorship in Lyrical Ballads. The interior design reflects this salmagundi approach, with sections in a very modern style and other sections straight from the 1798 rulebook.
Why the Center Can't Hold
The Pedagogics of Unlearning
The Pedagogics of Unlearning, edited by Éamonn Dunne and Aidan Seery, was published today from punctum. I designed the cover, with a photo provided by the authors.
A trip to the zoo
We went to the Toronto Zoo, and I took a bunch of photos of animals. Even though it was a major holiday weekend and the zoo was crowded, and even though I am not naturally a big fan of zoos, this was a pretty nice time.
Color photography
Rumba under Fire
Rumba under Fire, a collection of quiet varied essays (and interviews and memoirs and poems) edited by Irina Dumitrescu, was published today by punctum books. I designed the interior and the cover.
Humid, All Too Humid
Humid, All Too Humid by Dominic Pettman was published today by punctum books. I designed the interior and the cover (with photos by Michael Wolf).
Object Oriented Environs
Two companion books by artist Marina Zurcow came out from punctum today. More&More (The Invisible Ocean) is the catalogue and companion essay to her current show; I did some light editing for that book. More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System) I was much more deeply involved with. It's an alphabetical list of the codes used to ship various projects in container vessels, with a small number of micro-essays scattered throughout. I designed the interior of that book, and write a few of the micro-essays. It's a fun brick of a book.
Mikeytrong holiday song
A festive jam from Mikeytrong!