Murder Ballads

Murder Ballads by David John Brennan came out today from punctum. I designed the interior and the cover, based on a section of the first edition of Lyrical Ballads. The book is a very creative work of criticism, mixing scholarly writing with short poetic plays, novelistic scenes, and other modes in order to get at the question of authorship in Lyrical Ballads. The interior design reflects this salmagundi approach, with sections in a very modern style and other sections straight from the 1798 rulebook.

How We Write

How We Write, edited by Suzanne Conklin Akbari, was published today by punctum books. It's a collection of essays by scholars at various points in their careers on their various and quirky writing processes. It's the first book that I acquired and developed with punctum, and I think it came out very well. The drawing on the cover is a detail of a piece by Yvonne Wiegers.